The Resume Sweet Spot: How Long is Too Long?


As a seasoned resume writer and career coach, I've had the privilege of helping countless professionals craft resumes that get results. Today, we dive deep into one of the most common questions that job seekers grapple with: "How long are resumes?" It's a valid concern because the length of your resume can significantly impact your job search success. In this article, we'll explore the elusive "resume sweet spot" and provide answers to common questions about resume length.

How Long Should a Resume Be?

The ideal resume length isn't one-size-fits-all; it depends on several factors. However, a general guideline is that a resume should typically be one to two pages long. Let's delve deeper into the considerations that influence this recommendation.

Tailoring Your Resume to Your Career Stage

Your career stage plays a crucial role in determining how long your resume should be. Here's a breakdown:

Entry-Level Professionals

If you're just starting your career, your resume should focus on essential information, such as education, relevant coursework, internships, and any part-time jobs or volunteer work that demonstrate your skills and work ethic. In most cases, a one-page resume is sufficient.

Personal Anecdote: I recently worked with a fresh graduate who initially had a two-page resume filled with irrelevant details. After trimming it down to one page and highlighting relevant experiences, they received noticeably more interview invitations in 2 weeks than they had in almost 3 months. Just goes to show college career centers may not always know what works in the real world.

Mid-Career Professionals

Mid-career professionals have more experience to showcase. It's important to strike a balance between depth and brevity. Highlight your key achievements, skills, and experiences on a two-page resume. Avoid overwhelming your reader with unnecessary details.

Personal Anecdote: This is the vast majority of the client base that seeks out resume assistance and under no circumstances should you be limiting to 1 page. Expanding it to two pages and emphasizing all aspects of your professional development such as skills,  leadership roles, quantifiable achievements,  coaching and mentorship you’ve provided, and more, you should have 0 problem fleshing out a compelling and intriguing 1.5 – 2 Page resume..

Senior-Level Executives

For senior-level executives with extensive accomplishments, a two-page resume should still be the go-to limitation. However, remember that relevance is key. Focus on recent and most significant achievements, and ensure the document remains engaging.

Personal Anecdote: I have multiple C-Levels across 2023 this year on both length spectrums, the 5-page executive needing to condense to 2-pages and the 1-page executive needing to tell more of the story to be intriguing and compelling. Even at this level, sticking to the time limits coming up in this article, and highlighting your actual tangible and impactful achievements, 2-pages is enough space.

Space Saving Resume Hacks: Use space saving fonts like Garamond, leverage narrow margins, set 7 or 8 point spacing instead of using the font size, etc.

The Ideal Resume Length for Different Industries

Different industries may have varying expectations regarding resume length. Creative fields often appreciate more visually appealing resumes with portfolio links, while technical and engineering roles may require longer, detailed documents. Healthcare and academia, on the other hand, tend to prefer concise resumes.

It’s often asked “Is a 2 page resume OK?”, and quite honestly it is the ideal length across all stages of your career for both ATS systems and humans.

Resume How Long Should It Be Tip: Research industry norms and tailor your resume length accordingly.

How Far Back Should You Go on Your Resume?

Another common question is, "How far back should I go on my resume?" The general rule is to focus on the past 10 to 15 years of your career. However, if you have earlier experiences that are highly relevant or showcase significant achievements, you can include them but it should never exceed beyond 20 years. Unfortunately, whether employers want to admit it or not, or even whether it’s legal or not, age discrimination is a thing. Making it known you are too “seasoned” on your resume could disqualify you, even if it’s wrong to do so.

How Long is Too Long for a Resume?

While there's no strict maximum length for a resume, it's important to avoid excessive length that overwhelms recruiters. If your resume extends beyond two pages, ensure that every piece of information is relevant and adds value. Remember, quality always trumps quantity.

Resume How Long is Too Long Tip: Ask yourself if every detail on your resume directly contributes to your qualifications for the job you're seeking. Ask yourself if you are formatting in a way that allows more information per page while still conserving white space?

How Many Pages for a Resume?

A one-page resume is suitable for entry-level professionals, a two-page resume works for most mid-career professionals and senior-level executives. However, always prioritize the relevance and impact of your content over page count.

How Long Should a Resume Summary Be?

Your resume summary or professional summary should be concise yet impactful. Aim for 3 to 5 sentences that effectively summarize your qualifications, skills, and career goals. The resume summary is the first thing recruiters read, so make it count. Craft a compelling and intriguing summary that highlights your unique strengths and value proposition. Use powerful words and focus on what you can bring to the organization.

How Long Should a Professional Summary Be Tip: Make every word count and focus on showcasing what sets you apart from other candidates.

Resume Hack: Use action verbs and quantifiable achievements to make your summary more impactful.

The Role of Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)

Many companies use Applicant Tracking Systems to screen resumes before they even reach a human recruiter. While you might wonder, "How long can a resume be for an ATS?" It's crucial to strike a balance. Overly lengthy resumes can confuse ATS algorithms.

To ensure ATS compatibility:

  • Use a clear, readable format.

  • Incorporate relevant keywords naturally.

  • Avoid excessive jargon or filler content.

Addressing Common Concerns and Myths

Before we wrap up, let's debunk a couple of common myths:

  • Myth 1: Longer resumes are always better. Not true. Length should reflect your career stage and industry.

  • Myth 2: A one-page resume is sufficient for all professionals. It depends on your experience and the job you're pursuing. You always should be SOLD in one-page.

  • Myth 3: Resumes get shorter when using column format. Not only should column formatting never be used, it consumes way too much white space with 0 benefit.

  • Myth 4: Including graphics and icons make the resume more successful. It actually hurts you because ATS systems don’t properly parse and register graphics and icons and these will often cause immediate denial.

  • Myth 5: Colors are beautiful and great on resumes. Negative, they are not! Unfortunately this is due to the same reason as graphics and icons, ATS systems are robots and therefore not fans of fun.

Conclusion: How Long is a Typical Resume?

A typical resume falls within the one to two-page range, depending on your career stage and industry. It should be long enough to showcase your qualifications but short enough to maintain the reader's interest.

In conclusion, finding the "resume sweet spot" is about striking the right balance between showcasing your qualifications and maintaining the reader's interest. Tailor your resume length to your career stage, industry, and the specific job you're applying for. Remember, your resume is your personal marketing tool, so make it count.

For more tips on building your resume and additional advice on crafting a standout document, explore our blog for the best resume advice and resume hacks. Building a great resume is a crucial step toward your career success, and we're here to help you every step of the way.

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