Career Development Plan

Career Development Plan

  • Guaranteed results, 1 Year of Unlimited Document Revisions to ensure success

  • Full Resume Preparation Service by Professional Resume Writers. Research, technical writing, formatting …etc

  • Keyword analysis to get past the ATS scanning software

  • 1 - One Hour Resume Consultation with your professional resume writer

  • LinkedIn Profile Optimization with a 30-Minute LinkedIn Education Session

  • Cover Letter of Resume Writing (up to two)

  • 5 - One Hour Career Strategy Consultations with Personality Test

    • Business First Mindset and Making Organization Impact

    • Short Term and Long Term Career and Skills Roadmap

    • Building Accountability Systems

    • Interview Preparation and Execution - Including Practice Modalities and Mock Interviews

    • Salary Negotiation Strategy

    • In-person and Digital Networking

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